This endpoint validates a given crypto address, along with an optional destination tag if required by the blockchain network. It ensures that the address is compatible with the specified coin network and that any additional information, such as the destination tag, is accurate. This validation helps prevent errors in transactions and ensures compliance with network standards.
The withdrawal offer
Success Response
Validation Error
Internal Error
Service unavailable
{- "address": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa",
- "coin_network_id": "d969468d-2be6-4522-977e-ea4d92c45e86",
- "destination_tag": "123456789",
- "destination_tag_type": "memo_id"
{- "data": {
- "is_valid": true,
- "is_address_valid": true,
- "is_destination_tag_valid": true