This endpoint allows users to initiate a cryptocurrency withdrawal by submitting details such as the amount to withdraw, the destination address, blockchain destination tags (memo_id
, memo_text
), returning a structured offer that outlines the terms and conditions of the withdrawal including fees.
Such an offer can later be confirmed by the user.
The withdrawal offer
Success Response (Subsequent Idempotent Request)
Success Response (Created)
Bad Request
Not Found
Validation Error
Internal Error
Service unavailable
{- "coin_network_id": "1ede43b2-6f0d-6392-be44-4d7a070c78a7",
- "asset_amount": "0.2",
- "recipient_address": "16UjcYNBG9GTK4uq2f7yYEbuifqCzoLMGS",
- "destination_tag": "123845678",
- "destination_tag_type": "memo_id"
{- "data": {
- "id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "address_id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "coin_network_id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "network_id": "1ede43b3-b3ac-65da-3070-298a90a0ab70",
- "asset_id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "asset_amount": "0.00004884",
- "asset_fee": "0.00000884",
- "fiat_id": "1ed97e4a-912c-69be-9320-0aa759597920",
- "fiat_amount": "30.03",
- "fiat_amount_fee": "0.03",
- "transaction_status": "pending",
- "created_at": "2022-07-21T08:14:20Z"