This endpoint allows for the updating of a user’s external address, primarily to comply with Travel Rule requirements. It ensures that the user's address information is accurate and current, aiding in regulatory compliance and smooth transaction processing across different jurisdictions. This endpoint updates deposit addresses when necessary, but not all addresses can be updated.
The address details that needs to be updated.
Success Response
Bad requeset
Not Found
Validation Error
Internal Error
Service unavailable
{- "host_type": "KNOWN_VASP",
- "host_name": "Bitpanda",
- "user_owned": false,
- "owner_legal_name": "John Doe"
{- "data": {
- "id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "host_type": "KNOWN_VASP",
- "host_name": "Bitpanda",
- "address": "rBnNhk95FrdNisZtXcStzriFS8vEzz53DM",
- "destination_tag": "6363869576905874",
- "destination_tag_type": "memo_id",
- "user_owned": false,
- "owner_legal_name": "John Doe",
- "asset_id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "coin_network_id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "network_id": "1ede43b3-b3ac-65da-3070-298a90a0ab70",
- "created_at": "2022-07-20T08:14:20Z"