This endpoint allows users to create a new blockchain address on a specified network. If an address on that network already exists, the existing address will be returned.
It is expected to be used while performing crypto deposits, the information returned by this endpoint should be made visible to the users for their deposit requests.
The address to be created.
Success Response (Subsequent Idempotent Request)
Success Response (Created)
Not Found
Validation Error
Internal Error
Service unavailable
{- "coin_network_id": "d969468d-2be6-4522-977e-ea4d92c45e86"
{- "data": {
- "id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "address": "rBnNhk95FrdNisZtXcStzriFS8vEzz53DM",
- "destination_tag": "6363869576905874",
- "destination_tag_type": "memo_id",
- "asset_id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "coin_network_id": "1ed83487-f684-62a2-a155-fe633f0db292",
- "network_id": "1ede43b3-b3ac-65da-3070-298a90a0ab70",
- "created_at": "2022-07-20T08:14:20Z"