The endpoint enables users to lock a specified amount of cryptocurrency into a staking process in which participants in a network earn rewards by locking their coins into cryptocurrency wallets to validate network transactions or to supply liquidity to others. This endpoint accepts parameters such as the asset and the amount of crypto asset to stake and returns confirmation of the staking transaction along with details like the next expected reward date.
The unstake action details.
Success Response (Subsequent Idempotent Request).
Success Response (Created)
The staking operation has been initiated and is pending.
Bad Request
Not Allowed
Validation Error
Too Many Requests
Internal Error
Maintenance or Service unavailable
{- "asset_id": 1,
- "amount": "1.99"
{- "data": {
- "id": "1ed76f61-37e9-6ef0-b0c1-529adbc40ff6",
- "asset_id": 1,
- "amount": "1.99",
- "type": "stake",
- "balance_after": "100.99",
- "created_at": "2022-11-11T13:07:31+00:00",
- "next_reward_at": "2022-11-11T13:07:31+00:00"