List all notification events per partner

This endpoint allows partners to consume notification events without exposing their endpoints to external access. This pattern provides a more granular control over the error handling and retries for a better management of failed notifications.

Notification events endpoint operates synchronously, meaning latency and performance impact especially for the high-volume or time-sensitive notifications, thus we strongly recommend using webhooks as it is less resource-intensive.

Payload examples for available types:

  • user.update


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.corporate-action


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.non-user-initiated-tx


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.non-user-initiated-tx-v2


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • account.send-money


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • account.send-money-success

    {"id":"614c7a22-5abd-4511-aa99-5b3557e92e51","type":"withdrawal","reference":"bitpanda-62e9ba8a60608-transfer","timestamp": 1659484928,"fiat_amount":"31.00000000","fiat_symbol":"EUR"}

    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook



    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook



    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.savings-plan-notification

    {"fiat_id": 1,"user_id":"1ed97e4a-912c-69be-9320-0aa759597920","asset_id": 1,"fiat_amount":"3124.00000000","savings_plan_id":"1ed97e71-c379-6648-b86a-ee5ee367ea13","savings_plan_day": 1,"savings_plan_status":"active","savings_plan_frequency":"weekly","external_transaction_id":"1ed97e89-682e-6cbc-8b84-f2ddd95107cf","savings_plan_created_at":"2023-01-19 10:50:38","savings_plan_next_recurrence":"2023-01-19 12:00:00","savings_plan_transaction_confirmation_deadline":"2023-01-19 11:00:00"}

    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.savings-plan-trade-notification(failure)

    {"user_id":"1ed97e4a-912c-69be-9320-0aa759597920","error_code":"403","error_message":"Saving plan transaction was not confirmed by 2023-01-19T11:00:00+00:00","savings_plan_id":"1ed97e71-c379-6648-b86a-ee5ee367ea13","external_transaction_id":"1ed97e89-682e-6cbc-8b84-f2ddd95107cf","savings_plan_transaction_status":"not_confirmed"}

    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.savings-plan-trade-notification(success)


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.crypto-transfer-notification

    {"id": "4e465f96-6abf-4b91-9abb-f61b38eda58a", "fee": "0.0002000000000000", "address": "123456gPagfrEu2345Fmoqwe2weeei2ry1234567ABC", "user_id": "12345678-abcd-abcd-1234-123456789abc", "approved": true, "asset_id": 436, "credited": true, "currency": "EUR", "network_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-aaaabbbbcccc", "credited_at": null, "fiat_amount": "7.7000000000000000", "received_at": "2023-12-15T15:01:17.683653Z", "asset_amount": "0.1100000000000000", "asset_symbol": "SOL", "processed_at": null, "destination_tag": null, "asset_network_id": "1ede43b4-3348-6c84-a8d5-ad8ff12fd18a", "transaction_hash": "", "transaction_type": "withdrawal", "transaction_status": "finished", "tax_declaration_status": "undeclared"}

    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.crypto-action


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

  • user.automated-order


    For more details regarding the payload, please have a look at the request parameters for the corresponding webhook

query Parameters

Event type.

Enum: "user.corporate-action" "user.non-user-initiated-tx" "user.non-user-initiated-tx-v2" "user.update" "user.savings-plan-notification" "user.savings-plan-trade-notification" "user.crypto-transfer-notification" "account.send-money" "account.send-money-success" "" "" "user.crypto-action"
Example: type=user.corporate-action

Number of events to be displayed per page. Maximum value is 50.

Example: size=20
string <uuid>

A cursor for use in pagination. after_id is an Event ID that defines your place in the list.

Example: after_id=1ed804ad-41e9-6fc2-bf32-1e7e399643fb

Success Response






Maintenance or Service unavailable

Request samples
Response samples
  • "data": [
  • "meta": {
  • "links": {