Setting up Webhooks

This page will help you set up and start using webhooks to receive real-time notifications from Bitpanda directly to your application. Follow these steps to configure your API URLs and begin leveraging the power of event-driven data delivery.

Step 1: Register your callback URL

  • Configure endpoint: Your application must have a publicly accessible endpoint to receive webhook notifications. This URL will be where we send JSON data when an event occurs.
  • Register URL & subscribe to events: Once available, pass this URL to our solution engineer together with the events that are relevant to your application.

Step 2: Setup Security Configs

Configure the Bitpanda IPs to make sure the requests are correctly filtered.

Step 3: Handle Incoming Data

Code and test your endpoint to accept POST requests. Ensure it can parse the JSON payload and handle different types of events according to your business logic as detailed in the following subsections. Note that you should process the events in an idempotent way as the events might be sent one or multiple times.